Schedule Next Month


Our March Social Dance Schedule & Group Class Schedule will be posted here
as soon as available. Please check back.





General COVID-19 Safety Recommendations

Goldcoast Ballroom Resumes Group Classes in October!
For everyone’s Safety and Protection,
the following COVID-19 Safety suggestions
are recommended but not required for all
Social Dances, classes, practice sessions & Events at Goldcoast ballroom:

  • Face Masks: It is Recommended, but Not Required, that you wear a Face Mask while within the Ballroom.
  • Social Distancing: 6 Feet Social Distancing is Recommended, but Not Required.
  • For Group Classes, Lessons & Practice Sessions, check with your Instructor whether there are any additional requirements or recommendations set by your Instructor.
  • Symptoms or Exposure: If you have experienced any symptoms or have been exposed to anyone with symptoms typical of COVID-19 or who has tested positive within the past 14 days, and you have not been tested thereafter and received test results negative for COVID, please do not come.
  • We recommend that you wash your hands thoroughly and frequently, avoid touching your face, and follow the other hygiene and safety measures advised by the CDC.
  • Required:

  • WAIVER, RELEASE & INDEMNITY. As a condition of and in consideration for your being permitted to enter Goldcoast Ballroom and/or to participate in any Classes, Practice or Events (as defined below) at Goldcoast Ballroom, by entering the Ballroom, you hereby represent, warrant and agree as follows:
    I acknowledge and agree that Goldcoast Ballroom has a proper sanitation and disinfection plan in place and is properly implementing and enforcing any Florida State & Broward County COVID-19 Regulations & Guidelines, if any, which may be applicable to businesses such as Goldcoast Ballroom. I further acknowledge and understand that COVID-19 (and its variants) is a highly transmissible novel virus capable of transmission and spread, particularly in indoor settings such as dance studios and ballrooms, regardless of precautions taken. I understand and agree that attendance at Goldcoast Ballroom and participation in any social dances, group classes, practice sessions, private lessons, private practice, or other events (collectively, “Classes, Practice or Events”) at Goldcoast Ballroom is
    AT MY OWN RISK. I agree that Goldcoast Ballroom is not responsible for and shall not be liable for, and I hereby waive, release and indemnify Goldcoast Ballroom, Inc., its owners, employees, officers, directors, agents, instructors, contractors, representatives, and their respective successors, heirs and assigns, from and against, any claims, causes of action, costs, expenses, or liability of any kind arising out of any transmission of COVID-19 (or any of its variants) or any other illness, injury, or death to me or others while at Goldcoast Ballroom or as a consequence of any attendance or participation in Classes, Practice or Events at Goldcoast Ballroom.
    I agree that if I become symptomatic within 14 days of my visit, I will notify Goldcoast Ballroom immediately.
  • After reading all of the above Safety Precautions & Recommendations, if you have any remaining questions, please feel free to call the Ballroom at (954) 979-0770, or email us at
We thank you for your cooperation and continued support.

We look forward to seeing you at Goldcoast Ballroom!!


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Instructors – Click Here
to Submit Your Proposed Group Classes
for Listing in the Calendar