Click on this poster for more information or to register for the Competition:
The 13th Annual USA Dance
Royal Palm DanceSport Competition – “Winter Frolic”
which will be held
at Goldcoast Ballroom
Saturday, January 30, 2016
9:00 AM – 5:30 PM.
The annual Royal Palm DanceSport Competition, sponsored by USA Dance, Royal Palm Chapter and held each year at Goldcoast Ballroom, is one of the most highly regarded all-amateur dancesport competitions in Florida and in the United States.
See the Competition website for all information about the Competition, and to Register as Competitors or purchase Spectator Tickets in advance.
The Competition is Open to the World! All Athlete members of USA Dance or any affiliated organization or association for amateur dancers in any Country, are invited to participate in the competition.
Come dance and WIN PRIZES, or cheer for your favorite couple(s)!
Spectator Tickets: Only $10.00 (Adults/ Seniors); $5.00 (Youth & Collegiate); $100 Reserved Table for 10 (subject to availability) — for All Day.
Click on this Flyer to Purchase Spectator Tickets Online (available online through January 28 or at Door on January 30):
Purchase Spectator Tickets Online on the Competition Website until January 28 (Midnight).
(subject to availability).
Tentative Schedule of Events for January 30, 2016
(from the Competition website:
- 8:00 AM Ballroom opens for registration, package pickup and practice.
- 8:30 AM Ballroom opens for spectator admission.
- 8:45 AM Opening ceremony, National Anthem, introductions and announcements.
- 9:00 AM Competition begins with International Latin followed by American Smooth.
- 12:30 PM Afternoon Session begins with American Rhythm followed by International Standard.
- 5:30 PM End of competition.
All times stated above are approximate.
- 9:00 PM Goldcoast Ballroom Evening Salsa Dance Party begins. Live Band at 10:00 PM! Gumby Navedo y su Tumbao! Entrance fee separate – $25.00 (including sales tax) – Paid at entrance.
Click on the above Flyer to REGISTER ONLINE NOW!

Register Online on the
Competition Website –
January 20 – Registration Deadline for All Competitors
(to get in the program).
All Information is found on the Competition Website –
which was held at Goldcoast Ballroom on January 31, 2015!
The Competition Results are posted for the USA Dance, Royal Palm Chapter’s very successful 12th Annual all-amateur Royal Palm DanceSport Competition – “Winter Frolic” – that was held, under the leadership of Patti MacDonald, President and Competition Organizer, at Goldcoast Ballroom on January 31, 2015!!
The full Competition Results, with Judges Scores for each competitor in the Competition, are posted on the Competition Website –, as well as the USA Dance Royal Palm Chapter’s website.
Congratulations to each of the winning couples!!!
The USA Dance, Royal Palm Chapter has also posted Photos and Videos from the 2015 Competition on its Competition Website (under “Galleries”).
Congratulations to Patti MacDonald, President of USA Dance Royal Palm Chapter and Competition Organizer, on a very successful 2015 Royal Palm DanceSport Competition — which was the largest Competition in the 12 year history of this highly regarded Competition!!!
2016 Royal Palm DanceSport Competition –
“Winter Frolic”
January 30, 2016
9:00 AM – 5:30 PM
at Goldcoast Ballroom:
Click Here for More Information, or to Purchase Spectator Tickets or Register Now: