Every Monday Evening - Three LA Style West Coast Swing Classes + Practice Session - with Bruce & Beth Perrotta!! - $15.00 per person per class (Practice Session included)

Beth & Bruce Perrotta

Every Monday Evening in July:

Three Classes + Practice Session

7:00 PM – 8:00 PM – LA Style West Coast Swing – Intermediate/ Advanced*   (Prerequisite skills required – see below)

8:00 PM – 8:30 PM – Practice Session

(Open to students in any Class same evening – included in Class Fee)

8:30 PM – 9:30 PM – LA Style West Coast Swing – The Basics – Beginners Class**   (12 Week Series.   No Experience Needed & No Partner Needed)

8:30 PM – 9:30 PM – LA Style West Coast Swing – Beyond the Basics – Advanced Beginners Class***   (Prerequisite skills required – see below)

$15.00 per person per Class
(Practice Session included with payment of Class Fee for any one or more Classes – same night)


Prerequisite skills required:

* Intermediate/ Advanced Class:   To attend the LA Style West Coast Swing Intermediate/ Advanced Class, you should have completed our Beyond the Basics class, and/or be able to dance WCS socially (leading or following) with a solid understanding of the basic patterns and their names, including 8 ct whips. Participants should understand the concepts/technique of connection, leverage, compression and matched resistance in WCS.

** The Basics – Beginner Class:   No experience or skills needed to attend this class.   In this Beginners WCS Basics 12 week series, you will learn the sequential GSDTA curriculum of 22 foundational patterns, as well as connection and technique of West Coast Swing.   No partner necessary.

*** Beyond the Basics – Advanced Beginner Class:   To attend the Beyond the Basics Class, you should have completed our “Basics Class” or have knowledge of at least 8 WCS basics, including a basic whip. Instructors may require demonstration of the basics patterns for entry into this class. In this BEYOND the Basics class we will take those fundamentals and show students how to add and adjust them to advance their WCS. (See our Flyer below for details on the skills you will learn in this class.) Successful completion of these BEYOND the Basics skills are required before participation in our ADVANCED class.   No partner necessary.

Contact Bruce or Beth for any questions or to schedule private lessons:   954-464-9210


Updated Flyers from Bruce & Beth:

Click on the Flyer, to view and print it as a PDF doc:
LA Style WCS - The Basics - with Bruce & Beth Perrotta

Click on the Flyer, to view and print it as a PDF doc:
LA Style WCS - Beyond The Basics - with Bruce & Beth Perrotta

Click on the Flyer, to view and print it as a PDF doc:
LA Style WCS - Intermediate-Advanced - with Bruce & Beth Perrotta


If you have any questions, Contact Bruce or Beth Perrotta
Beth: 561-346-8233 or beth@dansynergy.com   Bruce: 954-464-9210 or bruce@dansynergy.com


In this video Swing instructors, Bruce and Beth Perrotta, demonstrate Floorplay at a past Florida State Swing Dance Championships:

Bruce & Beth Perrotta - Floorplay - Lindo Diva  Walks

Bruce & Beth Perrotta – Floorplay – Lindo Diva Walks

Bruce & Beth Perrotta - West Coast Swing Classes Every Monday Night

Bruce & Beth Perrotta – West Coast Swing Classes Every Monday Night


Every Monday Night - 3 LA Style WCS Classes + Practice Session - with Bruce & Beth Perrotta

